
4 posts

Using Jenkins Pipeline parallel stages to build Maven project with different JDKs

In one of the latest blog posts, I have shown you how you can build a Docker image with Java and Maven installed with the SDKMAN! command-line tool. Today I would like to continue the topic and show you, how you can compile your project using two different Java versions in parallel.

Building Java and Maven docker images using parallelized Jenkins Pipeline and SDKMAN!

In the last article, I have shown you how you can build a docker image for Jenkins Pipeline using SDKMAN! command-line tool. Today I will show you how you can build multiple different docker images using parallelized Jenkins Pipeline.

Using SDKMAN! as a docker image for Jenkins Pipeline - a step by step guide

A few days ago, I was struggling with some Docker images I use in my Jenkins CI environment. I run some Jenkins Pipelines, and I like to define build environment as code using custom Docker images. Everything was fine until I had to consider running different Java or Maven versions. I decided to use one of my favorite command-line tools - SDKMAN!, to build a highly configurable build environment.

GraalVM native image inside docker container - does it make sense?

We have learned how to create GraalVM native image from standalone Groovy script in the previous blog post. Today we continue the experiments, and this time we are going to create a Docker image to see what are the benefits and drawbacks of this solution.