
3 posts

Using CircleCI to deploy Hexo blog to GitHub Pages - how to set it up?

I was using Travis CI to execute 271 builds and deployments of this blog. Last Friday, I decided to experiment with CircleCI and see if this could be a viable alternative to my current solution. In this blog post, I explain why I decided to switch, and how to set up CircleCI to deploy Hexo blog to the GitHub Pages without much hustle.

IntelliJ IDEA and Git's "gpg failed to sign the data"

Today I’ve decided to improve my Github account settings a bit. I thought that it would be nice to add GPG key to it and sign all commits pushed from my computer. Everything worked great until I tried to commit the first change directly from my IntelliJ IDEA.

Hexo git deployer removes commits history? Let's do something about that!

I have found Hexo a great tool for building a blog and apply many well-known software development principles. One of them is automation. This is why I have decided to integrate this blog with Travis CI to perform a deployment to GitHub pages. It was a great decision, however a few days later I have noticed one significant issue - deploying a new version of the blog from the CI server caused removing all commits from master branch and starting with initial commit over and over again. It took me a while to find working solution to this problem. This blog post explains a simple solution to this problem.